Art Attack Don Binney

We are learning to create art inspired by Don Binney.

I'll know I can do this when I have created a landscape with a foreground, middle, and background.

My bird and my background are colored using pastels and natural colors. The black out line is in black pastel.

Reading Whio

I am learning to apply our prior knowledge to a text.

I'll know I can do this when I can think of ways I have connections to a text and I can use those connections to help decode unfamiliar words and ideas.

The prior knowledge is the things that we know before we read the story and the new knowledge is the things that we get in the story.

Maths Tapawha

I am learning to convert improper fractions to mixed numbers.

I'll know I can do this when I can explain how to make a mixed number from a fraction and can show my thinking.

I am learning to read and write down the whole number and what is left.

Writing: Information Report

I am learning to write an information report.

I'll know I can do this when I can plan and write an information reports with a title, topic sentence, and a group of facts about a subject. 

Something I learned was that every information report needs paragraphs.

Learner Qualities: Communicate

I am learning how to communicate.

I'll know I can do this when I can identify a variety of ways I can communicate with others.

One way I communicate is by talking and face expressions.


Peace Week 2017

I have been learning about Peace Week.
Peace Week is an annual tradition organised by The Peace Foundation every year. You can learn more about The Peace Foundation by following this LINK.

As a way to learn about Peace Week I did three different Peace Week activities.

With Miss Brennan we created a poster to help promote peace and Peace Week.
With Mrs Baker we made hand print doves and wrote messages of peace on them.
With Mr Horn we looked at the symbols of peace such as the dove and created origami doves.

Here is an example of one of my activities

Student Led Conference

My highlight at my student led conference was my maths because I liked sharing the math game.

I am proud of sharing my writing because I liked sharing my monster soup.

I think my parents enjoyed reading because of my tic tac toe notes.

Next time I would like to get through my whole student led conference.


My learning goal this term is recognise and use new vocabulary.
I can do this by knowing which word fits in the sentences.
This photo shows my learning.

Procedural Writing.

WALHT write a procedure.
Something I learned about writing a procedure is it means writing a set of instructions.
Something I would like to do better is to have more adverbs.
Here is my learning.

Jelly pops
Goal: how to make jelly pops.

Requirements: packet of jelly, fruit sticks, measuring cup, whisk, jug, party cups and boiling water/water be careful it’s hot.

1. Set out party cups on table.

2.Pour hot water into jug then pour jelly in the jug.

3.Pour the jelly in the party cups and then put fruit sticks in the jelly.

4.Let set for 30 minutes in the fridge.


We learned salsa and hip hop.
I enjoyed learning the moves.
I learned the cookaracher step in salsa.


WALHT display data in a bar graph.
Something I learned was you need tally chart before you do a bar graph.
Here is a photo of my learning.

My next step is make different bar graphs.


WALHT add a twist to our writing.
Here is my poem:

I didn’t BUT I did

I didn’t see a classroom in the sky
I didn’t see a floating flag
I didn’t see a face on a building
BUT I did see a movie

I didn’t eat the moon
I didn’t eat a computer
I didn’t eat my teacher
BUT I did eat McDonalds

I didn’t stand on an emoji
I didn’t go into my computer
I didn’t go in rocket

BUT I did go trampolining

Next time I would like to more detail.

Punchy Poetry

I have been learning to create an example of simile.
This is my example: the gun's bullets are as loud as a bomb.
Next time I would like to include an onomatopoeia in a poem.

Taiao Programme

I have been learning to be safe around the kitchen.
We made delicious apple crumble.
I learned to be safe in the kitchen.
I want to learn to use more kitchen tools.

Learning To Send a photo

I am learning to add a photo to my blog from my Google Dive.